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  • 전체 회원수 90 명
  • 전체 게시물 3,024 개
  • 전체 댓글수 7 개

An Empty Room is All We Want: Automatic Defurnishing of Indoor Panoramas Mira Slavcheva*, Dave Gausebeck*, Kevin Chen*, David Buchhofer, Azwad Sabik, Chen Ma, Sachal Dhillon, Olaf Brandt, Alan Dolhasz * denotes equal contribution Matterport Abstract W

작성자 정보

  • 작성자 bryan
  • 작성일

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  • 조회 2,309


An Empty Room is All We Want:
Automatic Defurnishing of Indoor Panoramas
Mira Slavcheva*, Dave Gausebeck*, Kevin Chen*,
David Buchhofer, Azwad Sabik, Chen Ma, Sachal Dhillon, Olaf Brandt, Alan Dolhasz
* denotes equal contribution
We propose a pipeline that leverages Stable Diffusion to improve inpainting results in the context of defurnishing---the removal of furniture items from indoor panorama images. Specifically, we illustrate how increased context, domain-specific model fine-tuning, and improved image blending can produce high-fidelity inpaints that are geometrically plausible without needing to rely on room layout estimation. We demonstrate qualitative and quantitative improvements over other furniture removal techniques.


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