Introduction to IBM Quantum Platform
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Introduction to IBM Quantum Platform
Introduction to IBM Quantum Platform - YouTube
(00:01) this is the IBM Quantum platform dashboard on the first tile you can see what plan are on the monthly usage and time remaining for that plan 10 minutes free per month on the free plan any jobs you have in the queue you can upgrade your plan from the 10 minutes free per month to pay as you go for a160 per second any Quantum instances and classical computer simulators you have on your plane documentation for utilizing kkit language of IBM Quantum learning section for using Quantum Computing in general kid kit IBM
(00:54) Quantum composer for building circuits the quantum lab for using a Jupiter environment and news on the right hand side the next tab on the dashboard shows the compute available first page shows the Quantum Resources and simulators available on your plan first the quantum is listed and the simulators underneath of it we take a look at all the systems available on the quantum platform first one listed is exploratory instance the cubits air speed listed in that order exploratory instances have to be utilized underneath of a Premium
(01:59) plan a little bit slower than what's available on the free and paid plans but the airror is lower speed is similar to the paid and free plans but if you need more than 10 minutes per month then paid plans are unavoidable this clops each takes into account Hardware layer has more physical gates in be run than virtual kops Fe only takes into account the virtual letter Gates and the simulators tab to view all the simulators available and on the jobs tab you see the jobs you
(03:05) have the queue time used remaining jobs completed details about the usage on the dashboard underneath the learning section you can use the IB Quantum lab to build Quantum circuits in a jupyter notebook running kiss kit or you can use the IBM Quantum composer to build circuits graphically remain impartial to any programming language these two tabs in the composer lead to tutorials the lab blink leads to Jupiter notebook in the composer you can edit the title your circuit perform basic file operations underneath edit is where you
(04:07) manage the registers you can add Quantum registers which hold cubits name those registers add or remove cubits and also add classical registers which hold results from the cuid operations and allow you to reuse those results you can also add a cubits directly to the Circuit by clicking on one of the cuits pressing the plus sign you can also add bits to the classic register by doing the same you can add entire registers to the circuit the number on the right is the number of bits in that classical register c0 is the name of that
(05:10) classical register underneath the view section you can adjust the appearance of the circuit in various ways with alignment you can adjust how the quantum gates are laid out on the circuit with left alignment the gates snap to a leftmost position sequentially with free form alignment the gates can be placed in any column on the circuit the circles at the end of each Cubit circuit are called the phase discs they represent the Cubit state in a purely block sphere perspective that is with the zate on the first Cubit here you can see that the
(06:12) phase is represented at zero that is because on the box spere you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a one state that has had a z operation or hasn't it only sees the same phase and so it's represented that way with the phase dis the probability of the one state is represented with how much shading of blue is in the phase dis here with a 100% probability the dis is fully shaded blue towards the bottom of the page is a q for representation for the combined state of the cubits each possible string of cubits is
(07:01) represented as a point on the Q sphere each point is placed vertically on the sphere based on the number of zeros in the possible string possible states with more zeros are placed at a higher position on the sphere only the height of the point has meaning on the Q sphere though the phase in the first Cubit Cubit zero is global its value is maintained on the qere just as all the additive phase and possible string this additive phase does not play a part in Cubit operations here after the not operation on the Zero State a z operation on the
(07:41) one state will produce an amplitude of negative 1 or a phase of Pi the color on the wheel next to the Q sphere also matches the phase to the point on the sphere with two of the four cubits in a zero State the point on the Q sphere is halfway up the additive phase Remains the Same on the left there are probabilities to reach possible State this view can be switched to another bar graph with amplitudes for each possible string with colorcoded phases that match the Q sphere scrolling down there's a state Vector with complex amplitudes for each
(08:29) possible string on the far left hand side of the page is a link to the files as well as any jobs in the queue running on instances or simulators as well as documentation for building circuits you can't click off this page you just click the panel once more to exit out you can right click on any of the gates to obtain information about it this is the controlled knock gate the controlled knock gate acts on a pair of cubits with one acting as the control the other as the target the control is in a one state a not operation is performed on The
(09:28) Target for here blue is used to represent the one state looking at another
(10:47) gate the CC knot gate also known as a double controlled knot gate has two controls and one target when both controls are in a one state a not operation is performed on The Target here the one state is represented with blue a zero state with yellow as one of the cubits is in the Zer State no operation is performed
(12:04) taking a look at another gate swap gate the swap gate swaps the states of two cbits performing a knock gate on the first Cubit the phase disc becomes fully shaded blue probability 100% for the one state while the other discs remain unshaded looking at the Q sphere has 3/4 height in the probability graph you see full probability for the
(13:08) string with one in final position adding a c not gate with the control as the first Cubit Target is the second as the first Cubit is in the one state the second Cubit is moved to the one state adding a cc not gate with the first and second Cubit as controls the third Cubit as a Target it is moved to a one state now a three ones and one zero is at one4 height and the string for 011 has a probability of 100% State Vector doesn't show any new color as there is no phase on the only available stream adding some phase and S
(14:19) gate which is equivalent to half of a zgate it adds a phase of pi over two the color is represented on the Q sphere as well phase dis still shows no phase as this is on a one state and can't be seen differently on a block spere you can edit the properties of a gate by left clicking on it clicking the edit button the control for the CC kn8 is the first and second Cubit the target is the third Cubit updating the target to the fourth Cubit the probability for the third cubit in the one state has dropped to zero and the amplitude is updated
(15:30) of the zero and the third cubits position performing a measurement on the first Cubit having it written to the first position of the classical register amplitudes have not changed neither has the Q sphere however the probability graph has changed as the classical register is being used it is now what is reflected in the probability graph the number next to the arrow represents
(16:35) the position in the classical register that the result is written to measuring the fourth Cubit having it written to the fourth position in the register see the probability has been updated changing that measurement to the third cubid but leaving its written result to the fourth bit in the classical register it contributes a zero leaving the string the probability graph with one in the final position we can edit the measurement to have it reflect the same Cubit that it's measuring writing the result to the third
(17:57) position
이전작성일 2024.11.09 10:28